Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Liebster Award

I am flattered to be nominated for the Leibster Award.  I was nominated by a lovely lady named Julie over at
Teacher Fluff and Really Good Stuff.  Thank you so much!

 1.  Why and how long ago did you start blogging?
I started my blog over a year ago but wasn't able to fully commit to blogging.  I recently got a blog makeover and now I am ready to go!  I started blogging because I was impressed and inspired by so many other teacher bloggers.  I love how the teacher blogger community shares ideas and strategies with each other.  I love that everyone comes together to help students
2. What one word sums up the heart of your blog and why?
Positive.  I want to focus on the joys of helping students learn.  I also want to help teachers by providing resources for them to use. 
3.  Is there something you learned late in your blogging journey you wished you knew before? 
Yes!  I thought blogging would be easy but it is actually hard work.  The most difficult part is finding the time to dedicate.  I wish I had known earlier to plan, plan, plan!
4.   What is your favorite past time other than blogging?
I love exploring, exercising, and having fun!!
5.  How many hours per week do you dedicate to your blog?  
Lately I have been trying to dedicate at least 3-4 hours per week.  I just started so I have a long way to go!
6.  What category of blog posts do you enjoy the most? 
I love blogs that give me ideas for centers and activities I can do in the classroom.
7.  Where does your blog inspiration come from? 
My inspiration actually came from my soror/friend/coworker Latoya. at Flying Into First. Her blog and TpT products are AMAZING!  She keeps me motivated.
8.  Which post that you've written are you most proud of? 

I am probably the most proud of a very old post about my first TpT
product.  It took me FOREVER to make the product and forever to figure out how to blog about it! 

9.   Is there any post you have been planning to do, but have postponing it for a while now?
Yes!  I really want to blog about how to keep learning on track.  I learned so many strategies from a program facilitated through Tennessee State University called SITES-M which focused on increasing math achievement.  I think the strategies are very helpful and I want to share them with others. 
10.  What is your favorite aspect of blogging?
My favorite aspect is learning about other teacher bloggers and gaining inspiration from them. 
11.  Which recipe, project, or idea on my blog would you be most likely to try yourself? 
I really liked taking a look at your classroom.  I noticed in one for you pictures that you had a organization for your math workshop posted on your board.  I'd love to try that.  Click on the picture to see the other amazing things in Julie's classroom.

That was a lot of fun!  Here are my nominees:

1.  Tiffany at Criss Cross Teacher Sauce
2. Jocelyn at Room3oh8
4. Courtney at Miss Crafty Teacher
5. Mrs. Master at Mrs. Master's Kinder Love
6.  Porsche at Teaching in a Tutu
7. Steven at Teach Like A Superhero

8.  Celeste at The Education Highway
9.  Jasmine at The Dots of Teaching
10. Mandy at Mrs. Ashline's Rules
11.  Lena at 4th Grade with Glitter
The Rules: 

Now that you've been nominated here are the official "rules" for accepting:
1. In your post link back to the blogger who nominated you as a thank you and "shout out".
2. Answer the 11 questions given to you (the ones I answered above).
3. Nominate 11 blogs that have less than 200 followers each.  Provide them with 11 questions or have them answer the questions above.
4. Let your nominees know they've been nominated and provide them with a link back to your post so that they can accept.
5. Send your nominator a link to your post so s/he can learn more about you as well.  (You can just put your post link in the comments below).

1 comment:

  1. Hey, thanks for nominating me for this award the second time. I accepted it and here is my blog post about it. Hope you have a nice day and also I am a new follower of your blog.

    Liebster Award Nomination, Part Two

    Jasmine H.
    The Dots of Teaching
