Wow! I can’t
believe it is July already!! Will someone please tell me what happened to
June?? This summer is flying by.
Today I am
linking up with Oh Boy Fourth Grade for “Currently July”. This is a fun link up where I share some of
my thoughts with you.
1. I am currently listening to Ed Sheeran. I am in love with his voice. His album has been in heavy rotation for me.

2. I am currently loving my pin on button I ordered for TpT Vegas. II saw so man bloggers that had gotten them so they would be recognized. What a great idea!
3. I am thinking that I am so hungry right
now! I am a breakfast person and it is
around 8:30 am. My tummy is definitely
trying to get my attention.
4. I want some fun in the sun! I just got back to Michigan and I can wait to
visit the beautiful lakes again! I must
say, I never thought Michigan would steal my heart but it has. The Pure Michigan commercials don’t do this
place justice. It is beautiful!!
5. Ok, I need to print business cards
for Vegas so that I can network with them!
I have old ones, but I had the back redesigned so that it included QR
codes. I want to make it as easy as possible for people to connect with me.
6. I am an All-Star Breakfast Eater! It
is my absolute favorite meal of the day!
If I miss it I am crabby and it throws off my whole day. I love eggs, turkey sausage or bacon, French toast,
pancakes, potatoes, and anything else you can think of to eat at
That’s a
little about me….I want you to link up with Farley too so I can learn more about
you! Hop on over to her page and link
Thanks for
stopping by!